lunes, 28 de enero de 2008

Front Page

January 28. 2008

Pakistan school siege ends

After a five-hour standoff, with security forces ringing the school, the seven gunmen gave themselves up to a delegation of tribal negotiators, Interior Ministry spokesman Javed Iqbal Cheema said.

Unfinished business for Bush in final State of the Union address
Is expected to be heavy on Iraq and the economy, but he also will say he is entering a congressional fray over earmarking taxpayer dollars, administration officials said.

McDonald's dishes up diplomas to go
McDonald's employees trained in skills needed to run outlets for the fast-food chain can get credit toward high school diplomas, the British government announced Monday.

Archbishop of Greek Orthodox Church dies

Archbishop Christodoulos of the Greek Orthodox Church died Monday after a battle with cancer, church officials told CNN. He was 69.

jueves, 17 de enero de 2008

Crash chaos grounds travelers

January 17. 2008
A boeing 777 crashed on London's Heathrow Airport in the runways. Over 200 flights were canceled. 1 runway was closed, leaving only 1 opened. They reduced the arrival of plains at Heathrow Airport.
The airplane came from Bijing and causes a crash landing at 12:42

martes, 15 de enero de 2008

Beijing’s Olympic Quest: Turn Smoggy Sky Blue

January 15. 2008

The air pollution in Beijing increases every day, they measure the pollution in the city to see if the air is in good conditios for the athlets that are coming on August for the Olympics.

I think this is a huge problem because athlets can get sick easily with this pollution conditions. Beijing's conditions are being controled because they really want to improve the air conditions.
Officials warned people to stay indoor until Saturday because of the pollution.


viernes, 11 de enero de 2008

U.S. Bombs Iraqi Insurgent Hideouts

January. 11 2008
U.S. attacked Iraq with 28 bombs in only 10 minutes. The bombs were followed by ground attack.

they only attacked Iraq because of some hide-outs. U.S. only looks for excuses to attack Iraq and they are not achieving anything with that.


jueves, 10 de enero de 2008

Pakistan Reschedules Elections

Comment1. January 10,2008

I think that this is a big problem, the elections were reschedule because of the assesination of the Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto. The elections were changed to Feb. 18 instead of Jan.8

Theres violence at Pakistan beacuse of this trouble.

This is a big city problem, the assesination of the Prime Minister unleashed violence and fear in the people.
